
Restore Your Inner GUT HEALTH

Are you struggling with IBS?

I will actually spend time with you and listen to your concerns and needs!

When you work with me, I will help you restore your inner gut health, regain energy, lose weight and restore your inner you so you can feel good and thrive.

I offer a personalised holistic treatment plan approach specific for you and your health concerns, that looks at working on the underlying root causes, and restoring balance in all areas of your health.

Treatment plans are designed specific for you, get in touch with me today to get started!

Online sessions Available

Gut Health is my absolute jam!

Hi, My Name is Sarah

I am an Accredited Clinical Nutritionist, Beauty/Massage Therapist, Step mum and founder of Nutritious Vitality.

I love the beach and getting out in nature, hiking, going on adventures, farmers markets, listening to podcasts, yoga, experimenting in the kitchen when time prevails, herbal tea, smoothies, going out for coffee and all things health and wellness.

I live in Adelaide, South Australia, currently offering my Nutrition services both online and in person out of my home based business in Seaford Meadows.

I love working with mums (but not limited too) helping them to take control of their health so they can feel good and thrive.

When you work with me, I will help restore your inner gut health, regain energy, lose weight, balance hormonal imbalances, and restore your vitality so you can feel good and thrive.

If you would like to know more about how I can help you with your overall health and wellness needs, please do get in touch.

Ask about my online sessons

Frequent Asked Questions


Start Your Health Journey Now

While many people seek out working with a nutritionist for weight loss, a nutritionist can actually help with a number of different health problems. Working with a nutritionist can be helpful in managing both pre-existing health conditions but may also be useful in preventative healthcare. Some health conditions that a nutritionist can help you with are improving digestion, energy, anxiety and mental health issues, metabolism, hormonal imbalances and so much more. 

A clinical nutritionist will help you figure out the best way to achieve your health goals by combining in depth case taking with general and integrative pathology testing, allowing us to get to the root cause of your health problems.

Treatment plans are always personalised as there is no one size fits all. Treatment plans involve dietary interventions with both supplementation and lifestyle changes to help you achieve your health goals. A nutritionist will help you work out the way of eating that is right for you all while keeping you accountable on your health journey. 

An initial consultation goes for 90mins, anything following goes for 60mins. This allows us plenty of time to chat, find out how you are going and to make changes accordingly as we go along.  

A clinical nutritionist tends to work more so in a one on one setting and treats you as a whole person systemically taking into consideration imbalances in all body systems that may be affecting you achieve your health goals. Our body is one system that is interconnected. When one area of our health is not working properly this may impact another area of our health. A clinical nutritionist will take more of a holistic approach to health and look at treating the underlying root causes rather than just the symptom picture. All treatments are personalised to the individual, this allows more long term success with achieving your health goals. 

Dieticians tend to work more in hospital and government settings but can also work in private settings. Depending on how they have been trained, dieticians tend to work quite differently to clinical nutritionists. They tend to work with more specific disease processes and tend to focus on food intake alone and not the body as a whole. They also tend to work more under a one size fits all type of model. 

Gut Health is the key to overall health. You do not need to come see me for gut issues as such, the gut is a very important part of health that is has some connection with all areas of our health. Whatever your health goals are, all health treatment plans will have some degree of focus on gut health. 

You do not have to have gut symptoms to have an unhealthy gut. Poor gut health can show up as headaches/migraines, hormonal imbalances including thyroid, an inability to be able to lose weight, mood disorders, skin issues, joint aches and pains, nutrient deficiencies despite eating a well balanced diet, fatigue, exhaustion and feeling heavy and sluggish. 

Gut health is the foundation of health. Without a healthy gut, we cannot achieve optimal health. 

It will depend on the individual and what there health problems/goals are. Healing takes time. As a clinical nutritionist I will work with you through more of a holistic approach, looking at all areas of your health and how the connect with one another. We will work on looking at working on the root causes of your health issues so you can achieve long term health.

It’s important to understand that there is no magic pill that is going to improve your health over night, it takes time. This is especially relevant if you have been unwell for a long time. Chronic health issues do not occur overnight, they develop over many years, in which case you can not expect that you can heal overnight. Yet with professional guidance, persistence and patience you can achieve long term health.  

As a nutritionist I can work out with you a health plan and give you a estimated time frame that I believe we will need working together to achieve your health goals. 

As an Accredited Clinical Nutritionist and a professional practicing member of Complementary Medicine Association (CMA), my nutrition services may be covered under your extra’s health insurance in which case you may be able to get a rebate back. 

As health funds vary, please check with your healthcare provider to confirm your level of cover and what rebate you can get back. While many of the well known health providers cover nutrition, there are a few health funds that do not cover nutritionists. 

As I do not have a hicaps machine, you will need to pay the full fee at your appointment. I will then send you out an invoice with my details in which case you can submit to your healthcare provider to get the rebate back yourself. 

What People Say

Sarah is highly knowledgeable and with her expertise, some simple dietary changes and a focus on healing my gut, she was able to help me overcome my anxiety and free me from feeling constantly fatigued all the time. I now feel more balanced and grounded and I no longer feel like I just want to fall in a heap at the end of the day.
After I had been struggling with ongoing gut issues that seemed to be getting worse. I just knew that I had to do something about it. While working with Sarah, we did a gut detox to reset my gut. My bloating dramatically reduced, we got my IBS symptoms under control and I lost a a few kilos in the process.


Book an Appointment

If you have any questions concerning any of my services, do not hesitate to drop me a line.

Online sessions available

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